Monday, January 10, 2011

My First Workout...How Did It Go?

OMG!  That's all I can say right now.  I just completed a intense workout.  Well, actually, it was an "easy" workout according to my EA Sports Active setting, but it was very intense for me.  I did 16 out of 16 workouts in 18 minutes and 49 seconds and burned 121.6 calories.  My target was 121 calories, so I hit right on!

But, oh my poor legs, they are so sore.  I love working out on the EA Sports Active, and I feel so proud after I get done.  When we first got our Wii, we bought the Wii Fit.  Sadly after 30 minutes of working out on that, I felt nothing and there was no sweat.  Some difference with the EA Sports Active, my body feels like it has been run over by a car and sweat is poring off of me.  I also have to grab a bottle of water because I'm so thirsty!

So I'm patting myself on my back and I'm not looking back at this weekend.  Going forward, that's all that matters.  There is a new minute every 60 seconds and that's what I'm going to concentrating on.


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