Thursday, January 13, 2011

Monday Project #2

The Monday Project

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans had a little tough project for us to day this week.  I brainstormed, used diagrams, notes, calendars everything I can think of to figure out my small goals that'll help me achieve my big goals.  What was my big goal?  To lose 60 pounds by the end of this year!

So, here it goes...

First I have to make the commitment so this week I joined Weight Watchers Online.  Kind of playing around with it for the past two days but will be taking it more seriously by the next week.

I didn't have any day planners so I just printed out some free printable calendars online and started writing and planning.

Goal #1:  Finish writing my small goals for Monday Project #2  (finish by January 14, 2011)

Goal #2:  Start planing menus and write out a grocery list on by each Saturday for grocery shopping (1st one will need to be finished by January 15, 2011)

Goal #3:  Start a "My Weight Loss Journey" Scrapbook - This will be done every Sunday (start January 16, 2011)

Goal #4:  Write down EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth - This will be recorded on my Online Weight Watcher Points Tracker (starts January 16, 2011)

Goal #5:  For the remaining month of January, Workout at least 2 times per week & blog about it (starts the week of January 16, 2011)

Goal #6:  Weigh In!  No matter what the weight is, I will be weighing in on Wednesdays and share it with my blog friends (already started)

Goal #7:  For the month of January I will be drinking AT LEAST 16oz of water per day (starts January 14, 2011)

Goal #8:  Lose a total of 5 pounds by the end of January

Goal #9:  For the month of February, exercise at least 3 times per week (starts February 1, 2011)

Goal #10:  For the month of February drink at least 32oz of water per day (starts February 1, 2011)

Goal #11:  Lose a total of 10 pounds by the end of February

Goal #12:  For the month of March, exercise at least 4 times per week (starts March 1, 2011)

Goal #13:  For the month of March, drink at least 64oz of water per day (starts March 1, 2011)

Goal #14:  Lose a total of 15 pounds by the end of March

Goal #15:  For the month of April Exercise at least 5 times per week (starts April 1, 2011)

Goal #16:  Lose a total of 20 pounds by the end of April

Goal #17:  Lose a total of 25 pounds by the end of May

Goal #18:  Lose a total of 30 pounds by the end of June

Goal #19:  Lose a total of 35 pounds by the end of July

Goal #20:  Lose a total of 40 pounds by the end of August

Goal #21:  Lose a total of 45 pounds by the end of September

Goal #23:  Lose a total of 50 pounds by the end of October

Goal #24:  Lose a total of 55 pounds by the end of November

Goal #25:  Lose a total of 60 pounds by the end of December

Goal #26:  Finish my scrapbook!


1 comment:

  1. wow you have a whole list of goals :D if my math doesn't suck (which it often does) that's completing a goal every two weeks? what a great way to keep you motivated! :)
